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Happy Knitting/Free pattern

Green socks free pattern


Yarn : Rico Superba Poems, Jungle(03) 1ball,, Regia 4 Ply 50g, Super White(2080) 1ball

2.5mm circular needle X 2, stitch marker, tapestry needle

Gauge : 30 stitches to 10cm


CO 60. (green yarn)


Divide sts evenly between 2 circular needles and join to work in round.



Ribbing round : *K2, p2 ; repeat from * to end of round.

Repeat ribbing round until piece measures 3cm.




Leg round : Changing white yarn, k10, chart A, chart B, k20, chart A, chart B, k10.

Repeat leg round until piece measures 8.5cm.


chart A

Row 1-4 : P1, k4

Row 5 : P1, sl 2 to cn and hold at front, k2 from left needle, k2 from cn.

Repeat row 1-5.


chart B 

Row 1-4 : K4, p1.

Row 5 : Sl2 to cn and hold at back, k2 from left needle, k2 from cn, p1.




Rearrange sts

Next : K10, chart A, chart B, k10, divide 60sts by 15sts into 4 parts, k10, chart A, 

pm after the next 15sts and move the next 15sts from left needle to right needle.

(You can watch youtube video at 0:11:50)







Heel flap

Heel flap set up row : K2, *sl 1, k1 ; repeat from * to end of needle 1, turn.

Row1 (ws) : Sl1, p all sts of needle 1, turn.

Row2 (rs) : With green yarn, *sl1, k1 ; repeat from * to end of needle 1, turn.

Repeat the last 2 rows(Row1-2) 15 times more, turn.

Next (ws) : Sl1, p all sts of needle 1, turn.







Heel Turn

Row3 (rs) : Sl1, k to m, slm, k2, ssk, k1, turn.

Row4 (ws) : Sl1, p to m, slm, p2, p2tog, p1, turn.

Row5 (rs) : Sl1, k to gap stitch, ssk, k1, turn.

Row6 (ws) : Sl1, p to gap stitch, p2tog, p1, turn.

Repeat the last 2 rows(Row 5-6) 4 times more.






Pick up round :

Needle 1 - Sl1, k17, change to white yarn, pick up 18, Needle 2 - chart B, k20, chart A, Needle 1 - pick up 18, k to end.

Decrease round :

Needle 1 - Slm, k to last 4 sts of needle 1, k2tog, k2, Needle 2 - chart B, k20, chart A, Needle 1 - k2, ssk, k to end.


Even round :

Needle 1 - Slm, k all sts of needle 1, Needle 2 :- chart B, k20, chart A, Needle 1 - k to end.

Repeat Decrease and Even round until the number of sts on needle 1 and on needle 2 are the same.






Repeat Even round until 5m less than desired finished length.





Toe set up :

Needle 1 - Slm, k to end of needle 1, Needle 2 - changing with green, k to end, Needle 1 - k to end.

Next : Needle 1 - Rm, k all sts on needle 1.

Toe decrease round :

Needle 2 - k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1, Needle 1 - k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.

Even toe round : k all sts.

Repeat the last 2 rounds until you have 14 sts on each needle.





Insert tapestry needle into the first knit st on the front needle as if to purl, then pull it through and leave the st on the needle.

Insert tapestry needle into the first knit st on the back needle as if to knit, then pull it through and leae the st on the needle.

Step 1 : Insert the tapestry needle into the first st on the front needle as if to knit and slip the st off the needle.

Step 2 : Insert the tapestry needle into the next st on the front needle as if to purl, and pull it through and leave this st on the needle.

Step 3 : Insert the tapestry needle into the first st on the back needle as if to purl and slip the st off the needle.

Step 4 : Insert the tapestry needle into the next st on the back needle as ir to knit, and pull the needle through leaving the st on the needle.

Repeat step1-4 all sts.

Weave in all remaining ends invisibly on the ws and wet block.







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