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의학계열 입시/입시정보

2017학년도 수능 영어 오답률1위, 33번


오답률이 76%였다는 고난이도 문제 33번(빈칸 추론 유형) 입니다. 한 번 풀어보시면 요즘 수능 영어 문제가 어떤 수준인지 알 수 있겠죠?




33. Grief is unpleasant. Would one not then be better off without it altogether? Why accept it even when the loss is real? Perhaps we should say of it what Spinoza said of regret: that whoever feels it is “twice unhappy or twice helpless.” Laurence Thomas has suggested that the utility of “negative sentiments” (emotions like grief, guilt, resentment, and anger, which there is seemingly a reason to believe we might be better off without) lies in their providing a kind of guarantee of authenticity for such dispositional sentiments as love and respect. No occurrent feelings of love and respect need to be present throughout the period in which it is true that one loves or respects. One might therefore sometimes suspect, in the absence of the positive occurrent feelings, that . At such times, negative  motions like grief offer a kind of testimonial to the authenticity of love or respect. [3점]

* dispositional: 성향적인 ** testimonial: 증거

① one no longer loves
② one is much happier
③ an emotional loss can never be real
④ respect for oneself can be guaranteed
⑤ negative sentiments do not hold any longer








정답 : ①
